Already During his time as a vocal soloist in the German National Jazz Orchestra (BundesJazzOrchester), Daniel Caccia was elected as „Best Young Singer“ of 2013 by the trend-setting US magazine „DownBeat“.  After receiving the Croatian Music Award „Porin“ for „Jazz Album of the Year” with the HGM Jazz Orchestra Zagreb in 2014, he launches his solo debut album LIFELINE and becomes a nominee for the German Music Award ECHO JAZZ  as „Singer of the Year“ in 2016.

Daniel Caccia was born in 1986 in Osijek, Croatia. At the beginning of the 90s his family immigrated to Germany due to political tensions in Ex-Yugoslavia. There he first started off with professional music lessons as a classical pianist at the Conservatory in Frankfurt am Main. Later his educational career led him to one of the most respected places to study Jazz in Europe – to Graz, Austria. He received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degree at the renowned KUG Jazz Department where he studied with the multiple grammy-nominated singer-pianist Dena DeRose.

Besides his work as a teacher, you can hear Caccia in his own quartet as well as in many other formations such as the former Roger Cicero Big Band, the Latvian Radio BigBand and the Sigi Feigl BigBand to name just a few. Since February 2020 Daniel Caccia expanded his collaborations to Denmark and is since then working on a recording that will not only reflect his renewed approach to music but as well will include a number of extraordinary Danish musicians.

Noch während seiner Zeit als Gesangssolist im deutschen Bundesjazzorchester wird Daniel Caccia 2013 vom richtungsweisenden US-Magazin „Downbeat“ zum „Besten Nachwuchssänger“ gekürt. Nachdem er mit dem HGM Jazzorchester Zagreb 2014 den kroatischen Musikpreis „Porin“ für das Album des Jahres erhält, folgt 2016 mit seinem Solodebüt LIFELINE die Nominierung für den deutschen Musikpreis ECHO JAZZ zum Sänger des Jahres.

Daniel Caccia wird 1986 in Kroatien geboren. Anfang der 90er Jahre wandert die Familie aufgrund der politischen Spannungslage in Ex-Jugoslawien nach Deutschland aus. Dort beginnt Caccia zunächst mit klassischem Klavierunterricht am Konservatorium in Frankfurt am Main, wo er schon bald seine Leidenschaft zum Jazz entdeckt. Diese führt ihn später zu einer der renommiertesten Universitäten für Jazz-Gesang – nach Graz, Österreich. Bei der mehrfach Grammy-nominierten Dena DeRose absolviert er seinen Bachelor und Master.